My Story
My passion for Health & Ketogenic Diet Coaching started with my own personal story…
This is a story of a major struggle with Crohn’s Disease for many years and going from doctor to doctor to try to figure out a solution. Functional Medicine approach with very extensive testing, multi-dimensional analysis, proper supplementation, and 4 years of experimentation with over 15 different diets have all led to conclusions and new habits that produced a new result. My dream has come true and my hopes have materialized – I am now healthy and work with passion to improve more lives!
Specific applications of The Ketogenic Diet and my lifestyle changes have turned into a passion to improve the lives of others. I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Biochemistry (Biotechnology & Food Science Faculty), ICF Accredited Life Coach Certification and I am now a Certified Keto Coach (Keto-Adapted Program under the best selling author Maria Emmerich). My program is designed to support people who have chosen the Keto lifestyle and need a coach to make sure their food choices are Keto compliant and the new lifestyle habits are formed to then make it easy to continue on their own. Too many people don’t succeed because they don’t have a coach with the experience needed to make BIG changes easy.